FATAL COURAGE by Misty Evans Shadow Force International Book number 3


Misty Evans was an author I never read until I did a review of her book with her friend and mine Adrienne Giordano. After that I had her on the blog again for the first of her Shadow Force novels. … Continue reading

USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano


The Detective by Adrienne Giordano

Today I welcome a friend of mine from my early days with the RWA’s Romantic Suspense Chapter known as Kiss of Death. I sent Adrienne a set of questions to find out how her career progressed from there. Below are her answers. Here are my questions and her answers. I hope you will hop out to your favorite store and grab a copy. Or stop by your favorite eBook retailer and grab a copy of The Detective. Now, here are the questions with Adrienne’s answers. Below her questions, I’ve posted an excerpt.

Hi Adrienne,
Several years have passed since we were in an online critique group together. You have come a long way. I’m proud to see you made the USA Today Best Seller List. I have a few questions for you.
1. How does your family react to all the great sales?
• In the beginning, they were extremely happy that the dream I’d worked so hard for had been accomplished. Now I think they’re just used to it and we’re all back to life as me being the “baby” of the family. My brother does enjoy going into the Barnes & Noble near his house and buying my books. I think he gets a kick out of it. I’m darned proud of him for not being afraid to buy romance novels!
2. What was your reaction when you walked into a store and saw your Intrigue book on the shelf?
• It really was a bit surreal. I think I had ten digital books out, but actually going into bookstores and seeing my book was amazing. For that first book, I drove all over taking pictures of each sighting. On one trip, my husband kept telling people it was my book. One lady didn’t even read romances but told me she’d buy it if I’d sign it. I signed it right there in the aisle at Meijer.
3. Were you excited?
• Beyond excited! I wanted to kill my hubby though because I had no makeup on and was in jeans and a T-shirt.
4. Was there a little bit of disbelief there too? (Like someone pinch me?)
• For me, the disbelief never goes away. Whether it’s a digital or print book, every time release day comes I’m just in awe. I’m also so thankful that I get to do the thing I love full-time.
5. Do you write a clean first draft or do you throw it all up there and go back through it?
• Oh, heck no. I call it the ugly draft. I like to just let loose on the first draft without thinking too hard about it. I’m a plotter so I generally know what direction I’m going, but I still like to let the muse take me. Sometimes I’m stunned by what comes out and a lot of times those stunners stay in the book. Most times they’re too crazy and I delete them. It really just depends. I probably have five or six drafts before I turn a book in. And then I go through it another three or four times.
6. What’s the writing schedule like for you with several books out?
• I typically have two or three projects in a different state of editing on my desk at once. I can’t draft two books at the same time. My brain doesn’t work that way. I think I write in such a deep point of view that drafting multiple books at once is difficult for me. I will typically write 2,000-3,000 words a day (give or take!) and once I hit a wall I’ll switch to editing my other projects. Right now I’m drafting a new book, proofing the next Lucie Rizzo book and doing copy edits on the next Justice Series book.
7. I know you have a son, how old is he now?
• My baby is going into high school. I’m sticking my head in the sand over it.
8. How do you juggle being a mom with his school activities and things?
• His schedule is one of the reasons I’m so thankful I’m a writer. He is active in sports and if I still worked in an office I would miss a lot of his games. I’m really in awe of the parents who work outside the home and still manage to get their kids everywhere they need to be.

9. How did you transition from Carina to Intrigue?
• I actually met my Intrigue editor at the NJRWA conference. I sat at her table at lunch and we got to talking. This is actually a great story for hopeful writers because I’d never written an Intrigue (or any category length book). I had five romantic suspense single-titles out at the time and my agent was shopping Dog Collar Crime, a light mystery. My soon-to-be Intrigue editor also acquires for Mira and told me to send her Dog Collar Crime. She wound up rejecting the book because it wasn’t a fit for Mira, but told me if I wanted to write an Intrigue she’d like to see something from me. Having never written one, I immediately downloaded several titles and decided to give it a try. I sent a proposal and wound up with a book deal. All because my editor rejected my mystery. You just never know what can happen at conferences!
10. Was it a difficult transition?
• Writing single-titles is different from category in a lot of ways. The shorter length of category was the biggest issue for me because I wasn’t used to it. This is where my love of plot structure came in handy. I was able to figure out how many words had to be in each act (based on three-act structure) and made sure I stuck to those parameters.
11. Are your Intrigue books different from your Carina books?

This is good to know for someone interested in writing for Intrigue. 

• My single-titles are anywhere from 85,000 – 95,000 words. My Intrigues are 55,000-60,000. Aside from that, the biggest difference is the characters in my Intrigues don’t swear and there is no graphic violence.
12. Are there any things you want to share about The Detective?
• I had so much fun writing this book. My plotting partners and I plotted the book on one of our marathon brainstorming weekends. It took us roughly six hours to nail down the plot, but I had great fun doing it. Lexi (heroine) was originally supposed to be a realtor while Brodey (the hero) was a homicide detective. One of my plotting partners suggested we make Lexi an interior designer because there was great underlying conflict between someone who saw the world as a canvas she could make beautiful versus a grisly homicide detective who saw danger everywhere.
13. Any little tidbits such as inside secrets we should go back and find?
• Yes, but I’m not telling because it would be a total spoiler.

A quick final question about your other series. Did you complete all the Private Protectors Series? I. E. did you cover all the men working with Vic and Mike?

Thank you, Kathy! I so love that ser That’s a great series too. I’m partial to it, I guess because we met online during your writing of Man Law.ies. I can’t say it’s done. What’s great about that series is the characters continually spin off so it can be open-ended. I just don’t have an idea right now for a next book in that series and I want to make sure I give my readers something they will love. I’d actually love to write a book with Courtney (secondary character from A Just Deception) as the heroine. I feel like she needs a happy ending.
Last, I want to congratulate you on your success and wish you a New York Times bestseller as well. Thank you, Adrienne for appearing here today. I hope you’ll pop by my blog again soon.
• Thank you so much, Kathy! I’ll come back anytime. I miss our old critique group. I learned so much from the folks there and I’ll always be grateful.

USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. For more information on Adrienne’s books, please visit http://www.AdrienneGiordano.com. Adrienne can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/AdrienneGiordanoAuthor, Twitter at http://twitter.com/AdriennGiordano and Goodreads at http://www.goodreads.com/AdrienneGiordano. For information on Adrienne’s street team, Dangerous Darlings, go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/dangerousdarlings.

Excerpt from The Detective:

Chapter One
Lexi Vanderbilt’s mother taught her two very important lessons. One, always wear coordinating lipstick, and two, recognize an opportunity when it presented itself.
Standing in the ballroom of the newly renovated Gold Coast Country Club, Lexi planned on employing those lessons.
All around her workers prepared for the throng of club members who would descend in—she checked her watch—ninety-three minutes. As the interior designer about to unveil her latest masterpiece, she would spend those ninety-three minutes tending to everything from flowers to linens to centerpieces. A waiter toting a tray of sparkling champagne glasses cruised by. She took in the not-so-perfect cut of his tux and groaned. The staff’s attire wasn’t her jurisdiction. Still, small details never escaped her. At times, like now, it was maddening.
Oh, and just wait one second. “Excuse me,” she said to a woman carrying a stack of tablecloths. “The sailboat ice sculpture belongs on the dessert table by the window. The Willis Tower goes by the champagne fountain.”
The woman hefted the pile of linens, a not-so-subtle hint that the sculptures weren’t her problem. “Does it matter?”
If it didn’t, I wouldn’t ask. Lexi sighed. “It matters. Unless you’d like to tell your boss, who specifically requested the placement of the sculptures, that it doesn’t.”
For added effect, Lexi grinned and the woman rolled her eyes. “I’ll get the busboys to move it.”
“Thank you.”
One minicrisis averted. And maybe she could have let that one slide given that the club’s manager had to be 110 years old and most likely wouldn’t remember which sculpture went where, but why take a chance on something easily fixed?
Besides, tonight everything had to be perfect.
Functions attended by the richest of the rich were a breeding ground for opportunities. Opportunities Lexi craved for her fledgling design company. At twenty-nine, she’d already been profiled by the Banner-Herald and all the major broadcast stations in the city. She was quickly gaining ground on becoming Chicago’s “it” designer, and that meant dethroning Jerome Laddis, the current “it” designer. He may have had more experience, but Lexi had youth, energy and fresh ideas on her side. A few more insanely wealthy clients touting Lexi’s work and look out, Jerome.
Then she’d hire an assistant, rehab her disaster of a garage into an office and get some sleep.
Lots of it.
Right now, as she glanced around, took in the exquisite silk drapes, the hundred-thousand-dollar chandelier and hand-scraped floor she’d had flown in from Brazil, no questions on the tiny details would haunt her. She’d make sure of it. Even if stress-induced hospitalization loomed in her near future.
The upshot? She’d lost five pounds in the past two weeks. Always a silver lining.
Lexi turned, her long gown swishing against the floor and snagging on her shoe. She smiled at Pamela Hennings while casually adjusting her dress. Darned floor-length gowns. “Mrs. Hennings, how nice to see you.”
Mrs. Hennings air-kissed and stepped back. On her petite frame she wore a fitted gown in her signature sky blue that matched her eyes. The gown draped softly at the neckline, displaying minimal cleavage. As usual, a perfect choice.
“I love what you’ve done in here,” Mrs. Hennings said. “Amazing job.”
Being a club board member, she had no doubt shown up early to make sure the unveiling of the new room would be nothing short of remarkable. “Thank you. I enjoyed it. Just a few last-minute details and we’ll be ready.”
“Everything is lovely. Even the damned ice sculptures Raymond couldn’t live without. Waste of money if you ask me, but some battles aren’t worth fighting.”
So true.
A loud bang from the corner of the room assaulted Lexi’s ears. Please let that be silverware. She shifted her gaze left and spotted the waiter who’d passed her earlier scooping utensils onto a tray. Thank you.
Mrs. Hennings touched Lexi’s arm. “By the bye, I think I have Gerald convinced his study needs an update. All that dark wood is depressing.”
Now, that would be a thrill. If Lexi landed the job and nailed it, the top 10 percent of Chicago’s executives would know it. And competition ran hot with this social set. Before long, they’d be lined up outside her office for a crack at outdoing Pamela and Gerald Hennings.
“I think,” Lexi said, “for him we could leave touches of the dark woods. Macassar ebony would be fabulous on the floor.”
“Ooh, yes. Do you have time this week? Maybe you could come by and work up some sketches?”
“Of course.” Lexi whipped her phone from her purse and scrolled to her calendar. “How about early next week? Tomorrow I’m starting a new project that might eat up the rest of my week.”
“I’ll make sure I’m available. What’s this new project? Can you share?”
Rich folks. Always wanting the inside scoop. “Actually, it’s quite fascinating. Remember the murdered broker?”
“The one from Cartright? How could I not? The entire neighborhood went into a panic.”
The residents of Cartright, the North Side’s closest thing to a gated community without the gates, employed private security to help patrol the six city blocks that made up their self-titled haven. That extra money spent on security kept the crime rate nearly nonexistent in those six city blocks.
Except for the offing of one crooked stockbroker.
“That’s the one,” Lexi said. “I’ve been hired to stage the house. The real estate agent suggested it to the broker’s widow and she hired me.”
“I heard they couldn’t sell. The market is destroying her. That poor woman. He left her with a mountain of trouble. He paid top dollar and if she lowers the price again, she won’t make enough to clear his debts. Add to that any retribution owed to the clients he borrowed funds from without their knowledge.”
As expected, Pamela Hennings was up to speed on the latest gossip. Gossip that Lexi would not share. Being told this information about a client was one thing. Sharing it? Not happening. “I’m looking forward to the project. It’s an incredible house.”
Being an interior designer didn’t always give Lexi the chance to change someone’s life. Her work allowed people to see the beauty in color and texture and shape and made their homes more than just a place to live, but she didn’t often get the opportunity to alter an emotionally devastating situation. Now she had the chance. Getting this house sold would free the broker’s widow from debt and give her children a comfortable life.
And Lexi wanted to see that happen.
Plus, if she got the thing sold in forty-five days, she’d make a whopping 20 percent bonus. The bonus alone would pay for an assistant and give her a life back.
Nap, here I come.
Mrs. Hennings made a tsk-tsk noise. “They never did find the murderer, did they?”
“No. Which I think is part of the problem. I may do a little of my feng shui magic in there. Clear all the negativity out. When I’m finished, that house will be beautiful and bright and homey.”
“The debt, the children and now the police can’t find the murderer. And it’s been what, two years? No woman deserves to be left with that.”
Again, Lexi remained quiet. Don’t get sucked in. But, yes, it had been two years, and from what Lexi knew, the police were no closer to finding the man’s killer. Such a tragedy. “The case has gone cold.”
Sucked in. She smacked her lips together.
“You know,” Mrs. Hennings said, “my husband’s firm recently did some work with a pro bono cold case. I wonder if the investigator who worked on that wouldn’t mind taking a look at this. I’d love to see the man’s family given some relief. And, let’s face it, it would certainly be good PR for the firm.”
It certainly would.
Investigative help wouldn’t hurt the real estate agent’s chances—or Lexi’s—of getting the house sold in forty-five days. “Do you think they’d be interested?”
“Oh, I’m sure it can be arranged.”
Gerald Hennings, a.k.a. the Dapper Defense Lawyer, pushed through the oversize ballroom doors, spotted the two women and unleashed a smile. Even in his sixties, he had charm to spare. Salt-and-pepper hair and the carved cheekbones of a man who’d once been devastatingly handsome—all combined with his intelligence—added up to someone who ruled a courtroom.
“Gerald,” Mrs. Hennings said, “perfect timing. The board meeting will be upstairs. Believe it or not, we’re the first ones here.”
The Dapper DL eyed his wife with a hint of mischief, smiling in a rueful way that probably slayed jurors. “Shocking.” Then he turned his charm loose on Lexi. “Alexis Vanderbilt, how are you?”
“I’m fine, Mr. Hennings. Thank you. And yourself?”
“I was quite well until fifteen seconds ago when my wife announced my timing was perfect. That means I’ll either be writing you a healthy check or she’s volunteered me for something. Either way, I’m sure it will be painful.”

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About the Book

Title: The Detective
Author: Adrienne Giordano
Publisher: Harlequin Intrigue
Release Date: July 1, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Buy Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / BAM / Google Play / Kobo Books

Book Summary:

She’s captured his heart…and the attention of a murderer.

Injured homicide detective Brodey Hayward needs a distraction, and he finds it as a consultant on a cold case murder. When Brodey’s investigation delays plans to remodel the former crime scene, he uncovers another kind of distraction: spirited Lexi Vanderbilt. Despite her distrust of men, Brodey charms the alluring interior designer into helping him examine the case facts.

Working closely with the ultra sexy detective helps Lexi lower her guard, igniting a passion that even Chicago’s winter can’t cool. As they close in on the killer, Lexi becomes his new target. To save her, Brodey must either betray her trust—or risk losing Lexi forever.

* * *

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction.

Connect with Adrienne: Website / Newsletter / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Street Team

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Giveaway Information

Tour-wide giveaway includes a $25.00 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, a swag pack, and a signed print book!

Rafflecopter Code:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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* * *

Blog Tour Stops

You can follow the tour to learn more about the book and author through interviews and reviews! Just click on the link or button below.

July 1, 2015
Recommended Romance (Review)
Romance Junkies (Excerpt)
Romancing the Book (Review)

July 2, 2015
Nerdy Dirty and Flirty (Review)
CK Crouch (Interview)
Lush Book Reviews (Excerpt)
Ms. Romantic Reads (Excerpt)
The Reading Café (Review)

July 3, 2015
Blakraven’s Reviews (Review)
Bottles & Books Reviews (Review)
Cricket’s Chirps (Review)
The Book Review (Review)

July 5, 2015
Em & M Books (Review)
Just the Write Stuff (Excerpt)
Ramblings From This Chick (Interview)

July 6, 2015
Ariesgrl Book Reviews (Excerpt)
Joyfully Reviewed (Interview)
Long and Short Reviews (Excerpt)
Read Your Writes Book Reviews (Review)
SOS Aloha (Interview)

July 7, 2015
All About High Heat Romance (Excerpt)
Happiness Is A Book (Review)

July 8, 2015
Amy Manemann (Excerpt)
Renee Entress (Review)
So Many Reads (Review)

July 9, 2015
Harlie’s Books (Review)
Coffeetime Romance – Coffee Thoughts (Excerpt)
My Book Addiction and More (Review)

July 10, 2015
Peaces of Me (Review)
StoreyBook Reviews (Excerpt)

July 11, 2015
Brooke Blogs (Review)
Jen’s Reading Obsession (Review)

July 12, 2015
A Little Big of R&R (Excerpt)
Becky on Books (Review)


Eight Nights with a Hero

TeaserC&C_AvailableHi today I’m  pleased to be a part of the Blog Hop featuring Chris Aubrey and Cecilia Aubrey. Their book is part of a set called Eight Nights with a Hero.

Wow, that sounds like a great way to spend eight nights. Especially this time of year with the long cold winter nights settling into some parts of the world.

Cecilia and Chris’s book is entitled Counter Measures. It’s about an ex-CIA agent named Cassandra James. Here is an excerpt to tease your senses. Buy links for the boxed set are below but first here’s the excerpt and a little bit of information about the two authors who wrote the book Counter Measures. 


Writing had touched Award Winning Authors Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey in different ways through the years but had never taken flight until 2010, when Chris and Cecilia met and began role-playing online as a hobby. It was through playing fictional characters in a sort of improv written theater, that writing took a central position in their lives. The transition from role playing to novel writing was smooth and they attribute the ease of writing realistic characters to their ability to live the scenes ‘through role play.

Chris and Cecilia have since chosen to release all their titles independently. They have several short stories and two novels published under their own label, Éire Publishing, and are vocal supporters of independent publishing done right. They are currently working on the next novel in their series. Through all the chaos and laughter, they still hold true to their roots, bringing their favorite role-play characters and stories to life. Website | Facebook |Twitter | Newsletter

I think that’s interesting that your role play game brought you to write novels. I’ve heard that for deep characterization role play games are excellent ways to learn.


Blurb for Countermeasure (Countermeasure Series, Book 1)

In the first novel of the Romantic Suspense series, tenacious ex-CIA agent Cassandra James is in hot water. A cyber thief stole sensitive information from her father’s top client – information she was supposed to keep secure – and now she could lose her job, even if she is the boss’ daughter. The only person who can help her recover the stolen data is sexy NSA analyst Trevor Bauer – a computer mastermind who’s broken through her personal security and might break her heart as well.

Trevor is on the hunt for answers to the mystery surrounding his parents’ disappearance. Following a promising lead into the missing Bristol files, he accidentally gets on the radar of a woman too hot to handle…and a mercenary willing to do anything to keep both of them from recovering those files.

To track down the thief, Trevor and Cassandra must embark on a harrowing adventure that leads them across the ocean and into a world of intrigue, danger, and passion. But as they close in on their target, their relationship begins to boil, jeopardizing their mission as well as their very lives. Will they learn to trust their instincts – and each other – in order to survive?

Excerpt from Countermeasure

The silence between them had grown to an unbearable level. As they walked out of the elevator toward their rooms, Trevor, unable to contain his thoughts any longer, voiced them. “You don’t care one bit about me.”

Based on her quick reply, Trevor saw Cassandra knew exactly to what he was referring. “I told you already, I didn’t have time to contact or come back for you. We would have lost her. Days of surveillance down the drain. It was a miracle I ran into her in the first place.”

Trevor was quickly losing patience at her refusal to accept that following Allison without back-up had been a mistake. “All I expected was the courtesy of you telling me you were off trailing Allison so I could back you up.”

“You need to stop being obsessive about this. I did what I thought was right. I found her and came back for you. I wasn’t going to leave you there all night.” She looked at him with angry narrowed eyes. “You know what? Forget it. I don’t need this. I had to put up with the same possessive attitude from Nate. Neither of you own me.”

“Cassandra,” he said calmly. “This is not just about you not letting me know right away what was happening. You have to understand that this is about you going off on your own. You could have texted me. I’m your partner in this. I would have followed to give you back-up and, in the end, we would have saved time.”

Without a word, she turned her back to him and headed for her door. Before she could reach it, Trevor grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall. Cassandra struggled and Trevor groaned inside at the feel of her body pressed tight against his. “Damn it, Cassandra. Hold still for a second.”

Her heart drummed rapidly against his chest and he saw her pulse beating at the base of her throat. He didn’t like using his size against her, but he needed her to understand. “This is not about obsession, and I sure as hell am not like your friend, who, by the way, sounds like an ass. This is about friends caring about friends. You said you wanted us to be friends. You wanted us to be a team, and yet you took off and never checked back with me. The next thing I knew, almost an hour had gone by and I had no clue where you were. We know there is something bigger happening behind the scenes, that Allison didn’t act alone. What if you had been hurt?”

“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself,” Cassandra breathed hard in agitation, and bucked against him, still trying to push his body away.

Trevor banked the urge to press harder against her. He continued to pin her arms above her head and put some space between them. “I know you can take care of yourself, but friends are going to worry about your well-being, whether you want it or not—whether you like it or not.”

Trevor grew distracted by the feel of Cassandra’s sweet breath against his skin and leaned slightly forward. “All I’m asking is that you let me know next time so I can be there for you. With you.”

By the time he finished his statement, his lips were mere inches from hers. His mind went into overdrive and the need to taste the texture of her lips overrode his common sense. When her lips parted to protest, he silenced her by capturing her mouth with his.

The kiss made him numb to his surroundings. His sole focus became the softness of her full lips and the mingling of their tastes. Slowly, he released her hands and cupped her face with his, deepening the kiss. A jolt of electricity hit him when she responded, kissing him back just as urgently. Her freed hands gripped his forearms tightly and the kiss grew hot and deep—tongues exploring, teeth nipping.

In a flash, Cassandra pushed him from her. Both froze and stared into each other’s eyes. Before he could comment, she slipped into her room and softly closed the door between them. Trevor stared at the door and ran his fingers through his hair. His arms felt empty without her. The taste of her on his lips was sweeter than he had ever dreamed. It only made him want her more and filled him with a desire to taste her over and over again.

Wow what a tease. 

 3DCover_8NWH_400  8_Nights_Cover_72dpi_400

Other authors in this boxed set include:  Dee J. Adams, Chris Almeida & Cecilia Aubrey, Carolyn Crane, Misty Evans, Adrienne Giordano, Stacy Green, Katie Reus and Joan Swan

Publisher:       Éire Publishing, LLC

Release Date: December 16, 2014

Genre:             Romantic Suspense

Website:         http://eightnightswithahero.eirepublishing.com/

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://smarturl.it/8NightsonAmzn
Kobo: http://smarturl.it/8NightsonKobo
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/8NightsonGooglePlay
All Romance: http://smarturl.it/8NightsonARe

Barnes & Noble: http://smarturl.it/8NightsonBandN

Apple: Coming Soon

Book Summary:


Cold Nights, Hot Heroes, and Eight Deadly Secrets…
Snuggle up to 8 riveting Romantic Suspense stories involving 8 Hot Heroes from all walks of life who will do anything to protect those they love.

PLEASE NOTE: This box set will be available only through January 31, 2015!

Dee J. Adams, Award Winning Author
IMMINENT DANGER (Adrenaline Highs Series Book 5) – Bad Timing Can Cost Your Life.

“…Between the sweet and steamy romance and the heart-pounding (literally) suspense… It was such a thrill…”

Chris Almeida & Cecilia Aubrey, Readers’ Favorite Gold Award Winning Authors
COUNTERMEASURE (Countermeasure Series Book 1) – They’ll Have To Trust Each Other In Order To Survive.

“Amidst the heartwarming and beautifully written love story was a very cleverly and intelligently constructed suspense and mystery.”

Carolyn Crane, RITA Award Winning Author
OFF THE EDGE (Undercover Associates Series Book 2) – He’s A Spy Who Uses Language To Hunt Criminals. She’s A Poet With Deadly Enemies.

“Off the Edge is such a well-crafted romantic suspense story. Full of action and sparkling chemistry between Laney and Peter, this book is so much fun to read.”

Misty Evans, USA Today Bestseller
OPERATION SHEBA (Super Agent Series Book 1) – He’ll Go Under The Deepest Cover Possible to Save Her Life.

“Evans takes readers on an edge-of-your-seat thriller into the secretive world of CIA operatives. A love triangle and a mole in the agency make this one story you won’t want to put down.”

Adrienne Giordano, USA Today Bestseller
THE EVASION (Justifiable Cause Series Book 2) – The World Of Knock-Offs Isn’t As Frivolous As It Appears.

“Adrienne Giordano delivers everything romantic suspense readers want…”

Stacy Green, Best Selling Mystery and Thriller Author
TIN GOD (Delta Crossroads Series Book 1) – The Truth Can Be As Deadly As Any Weapon.

“Stacy Green has written an emotionally charged, thought-provoking and stunning mystery/suspense that will capture and hold you hostage until the last page is read.”

Katie Reus, New York Times – USA Today Best Seller
MIAMI, MISTLETOE, and MURDER (Red Stone Security Series Book 4) – She’ll Fight To Protect Those She Cares About. He’ll Fight To Protect Her.

“Well written and a beautiful addition to an interesting series, Miami, Mistletoe, & Murder is a great read to keep you warm on a cold winter’s night.”

Joan Swan, New York Times – USA Today Best Seller
FIRST TEMPTATION (Covert Affairs Series Book 2) – He’ll Have To Go Deep Undercover To Expose Her Darkest, Sexiest Desires.

“I love Joan Swan’s writing as even in a novella she manages to capture the heart of her characters.”




Giveaway Details

There will be two tour-wide prizes (two winners, US only):

  • First Prize: $40.00 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card
  • Second Prize: Box of Swag with contributions from all the authors

Don’t forget about the Rafflecopter Giveaway here’s the link to enter:b




Blog Tour Schedule

Follow the Blog Tour to meet all thine authors and read excerpts from the different books in the bundle: http://eightnightswithahero.eirepublishing.com/blog-tour




Please welcome Donnell Ann Bell to my blog. Below are a few words about her fantastic book and an excerpt. There’s a raffle copter to go with it. So post those comments and share the news.

I know Donnell from the Romance Writers of America Romance Suspense/Mystery Chapter aka Kiss of Death. Donnell is well known in our chapter for her books and helpfulness. Enter to win a copy of her book Buried Agendas or  one of her great Dammit Dolls. Read on to find out how you can win. You can also scoop up a copy at your favorite places to buy books. The links are listed below.

Title:                Buried Agendas

Release:          November 7, 2014

Genre:                         Suspense with Romantic Elements

Blog Tour:       December 8, 2014 – December 12, 2014

Buy Links:        Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

Book Summary:

A devastating secret drove her from the man she loved.  Will a secret equally as deadly lead her back to him?

Diana Reid is an investigative reporter skilled at uncovering other people’s secrets. It’s her own she works to keep buried. Eight years earlier, she promised to leave her fiancé and hometown of Diamond, Texas forever. That pledge vanishes when she receives a letter stating people are going to die, implicating her hometown’s largest employer, and making a veiled threat against her mother. With no other choice, Diana will return to Diamond, albeit in disguise, to discover the anonymous author.

Brad Jordan moved on with his life after Diana walked out on him. Just as he rebuilt his life, as the newly elected mayor of Diamond, and newly engaged to be married, he plans to rebuild his struggling hometown.  Those plans are threatened when an El Paso physician notifies Brad that she believes his family’s company, Jordan Industries, is conducting illegal practices and sacrificing the public’s health.

When the doctor suggests bringing in Diana to uncover the wrongdoing, Brad strongly opposes the idea. Still, when she appears despite his wishes, he’s forced to accept that a woman he vowed to forget may be his only option to get to the truth. Together Diana Reid and Brad Jordan face a dangerous adversary—one whose only intent is keeping a deadly agenda buried.

About the Author

Donnell Ann Bell grew up in New Mexico and today lives in Colorado.  A homebody at heart, she concentrates on suspense that might happen in her neck of the woods – writing SUSPENSE TOO CLOSE TO HOME.  She is the author of The Past Came Hunting, Deadly Recall and Betrayed, all of which have been e-book best sellers. Buried Agendas is her newest release. Along with veteran police officer Wally Lind, Donnell co-owns Crimescenewriters, a Yahoo group putting law enforcement experts together with writers. Donnell loves to hear from readers.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads


Giveaway Details

As part of the blog tour, Donnell will be giving away 5 copies of Buried Agendas (US/Canada only) and

5 Dammit Dolls (US/Canada only).  Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter!

Not sure what a Dammit Doll is? Well, here is the little saying that each doll comes with:

Whenever things don’t go so well and you want to hit the wall and yell, here’s a little dammit doll that you can’t do without.  Just grasp it firmly by the legs and find a place to slam it.  And as you whack the Stuffing out yell, “Dammit, Dammit! Dammit!

Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rafflecopter Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/1c9cd1c911/




Diana curbed a jealous retort and moved to the nightstand. She yanked open a top drawer and withdrew the want ads she’d skimmed early that morning after she’d checked in. In bright red, she’d circled, Help wanted, mailroom clerk, Jordan Industries. High school diploma, drug test required.

“If your fiancée recognized me, I’d be behind bars. I deliberately failed my typing test and listed no experience on the application.”

For the first time, he smiled. The old Brad, the Brad she thought she knew. “What name did you use?”

“Candace Armstrong.”

“Okay.” He motioned to the letter. “So how can a mailroom employee find out what the author meant by ‘people are going to die’?”

“The same way I do every story, by asking questions.”

“Who’s Ronnie?”


Brad pointed to the tattoo on her ankle.

“Oh,” Diana smiled. “He’s no one.”

Brad’s gaze shot to her face, and for a second, she thought she saw pain. Don’t be absurd. The man’s engaged. Irrationally, Diana felt betrayed.

“Seriously, he’s no one. Ronnie doesn’t exist. And neither does this tattoo. It’s henna, and part of my disguise.”

Brad shook his head and he scowled. “You swear to me you didn’t talk to Liz this week.”

“I swear, I haven’t spoken to her . . .” But maybe I should.

“Give me one reason to go along with this?”

Diana lowered her head. She wanted to tell him because the Brad Jordan she’d once known stood for integrity and honesty. The Brad Jordan she’d loved, and unfortunately still did, had wanted to make a difference. She couldn’t believe he’d run for a mayoral position if that wasn’t still true.

Lifting her head, she met his gaze. “Because you know I had nothing to do with that letter, and you want to know what’s going on, too.”

As he traversed the dingy hotel room, Diana sensed he was wavering. He’d asked too many questions to turn her away now. If he said yes, she had a long list to accomplish before Monday. She’d take her physical, head for El Paso, and spend her weekend at the library researching Jordan Industries.

Brad stopped pacing. “I have no doubt that you’re worried about your mom. But when you said you weren’t out to hurt me or Jordan Industries, were you being truthful?”

“I meant every word.”

“All right. I’ll give you two weeks to investigate if you go along with the following conditions.”

She swallowed. “I’m listening.”

“If, after two weeks, you’ve found nothing, you’ll give up this charade and go home.”

She stared back at him. Diana could easily agree to Brad’s terms. She expelled a pent-up breath. “I accept that condition.”

“Second, you will never report a word of what you find or release a word to the media. If you do, I have more than enough witnesses to prove you entered Jordan Industries illegally, and I’ll file charges against you.”

Hurt morphed into anger. “Are you saying if something’s going on, you won’t report it?”

“Not at all. I’ll be the first one to call the police.”

“Then . . . I don’t understand.”

He unrolled his sleeves and grabbed his tie. “I’m saying no way in hell will I allow negative information against my family’s company to benefit your career. I don’t trust you, Diana, especially after what I saw today. We’ll see if you’re really concerned about your mother, or if you’re after a story.” Brad opened the door. “You don’t have to agree to the second part of my conditions right now. I’ll have my answer when you don’t show up on Monday.”

Blog Tour Stops

December 8, 2014

CK Crouch: https://ckcrouch.wordpress.com

Reading by the Book: http://www.readingbythebook.com/?zx=85dd92d8b0eb840f

Storeybook Reviews: http://storeybookreviews.com

December 9, 2014

The Book Review: http://www.cluereview.blogspot.com

Happiness Is A Book: http://happinessbook.wordpress.com/

Romance Reviews Today: http://www.romrevtoday.blogspot.com/

December 10, 2014

My Book Addiction and More: http://www.mybookaddictionandmore.com

Shattered Hearts Reviews: http://shatteredheartsreviews.com/

So Many Reads: http://www.somanyreads.com

December 11, 2014

Em & M Books: http://www.emandmbooks.com

Harlie’s Book Reviews: http://www.harliesbooks.com/

Lush Book Reviews: http://lushbookreviewss.blogspot.com/

Romance Junkies: http://www.romancejunkiesreviews.com

December 12, 2014

A Little Bit of R&R: http://alittlebitofrnr.com/

Amy Manemann’s Blog: http://www.amymanemann.blogspot.com