Sweet or Salty by Susan Ann Wall (guest blogger today)


Hey Y’all,
Please welcome my guest blogger Susan Ann Wall. She shares her thoughts on Sweet or Salty and you can catch her three books out on sale at Amazon. She’s also running a contest over at Goodreads. There’s a link at the bottom of her post for her books and the Goodreads contest is right here:
Now, please enjoy Susan Ann’s post about food choices and healthy choices. 🙂
Sweet or Salty
I’m sitting here in the ski lodge minding my own business when the mom next to me returns from the cafeteria with a bucket of French fries. “I bought the big size so we can share.”
I cuss, not because I don’t appreciate her generosity but because I’ve recently made some significant lifestyle changes to improve my health and my biggest weakness is chips and fries.
I don’t buy chips because I’ll sit down and eat the whole bag. Lays are my favorite, but I wouldn’t say no to Ruffles, Cape Cod, Pringles, well, you get the point. French fries run a close second to chips and the ones here at Cannon Mountain are famous. Everyone knows how good they are.
And who am I to say no when another mom so graciously offers to share while our kids are freezing their patooties off out on the mountain?
And on the other side of me, my friend is celebrating his birthday with a big bag of Starburst.
There is temptation at every corner, but if I had to choose between sweet and salty, I’d choose salty every single time. What’s ironic is I don’t put salt on my food. Not even French fries. Several years ago during my annual physical, my bloodwork came back showing a sodium deficiency. My doctor told me to start adding salt to my diet. I was running at the time, so I’m pretty sure the deficiency was a result of the exercise. Once I gave up running, my bloodwork no longer came back with low sodium.
Lately I’ve found myself craving salty foods again and guess what? No, I’m not running, but I have started going to the gym five days a week, so I’m pretty sure the cravings are a result of a deficiency. So really, indulging in a few fries is benefiting my body and its need for sodium. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
What’s your weakness? Sweet or salty?
Susan Ann Wall writes racy, rule-breaking romance and women’s fiction.




The Sound of Suspicion is free on Amazon January 30 – February 3.  http://www.amazon.com/Sound-Suspicion-Puget-Alive-Love-ebook/dp/B00I56PSLW

Relay for Love will be featured at a special sale price February 3 – 5 at Amazon and other e-book retailers.


A Flame Burns Inside will be featured at a special sale price February 3 – 5 at Amazon and other e-book retailers.


One more time here’s the link to enter her contest on Goodreads.
