Oct 14 writing prompt… DEMONS

Finder's Keepers - Author Tracey Clark


Muhahahaha… Demons… what can we get from this writing prompt??? Our character are only human, no matter if they come from a land of spirits, live in the countryside, or inhabit the body of a dragon… they are only human because we are oh so human and we have brought them to life… even if they are demon, they are only human… (hey, humans have demon like behaviors, it doesn’t just come from the supernatural, just as Charles Manson)

But back to the writing prompt side of the word demons… the first look into this word is very physical…


think of very physical beings… ones that come from a place of evil, entering our world to do harm… they could slip through a portal, or be summoned by the naïve, or the insane (or maybe a witch or wizard wanting answers from the demon realm)


large or small, demons can…

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